JupyterHub Spawners¶
Let’s peek at the base classes:
In [1]:
from jupyterhub.spawner import Spawner, LocalProcessSpawner
In [2]:
Init signature: Spawner(self, **kwargs)
class Spawner(LoggingConfigurable):
"""Base class for spawning single-user notebook servers.
Subclass this, and override the following methods:
- load_state
- get_state
- start
- stop
- poll
db = Any()
user = Any()
hub = Any()
authenticator = Any()
api_token = Unicode()
ip = Unicode('',
help="The IP address (or hostname) the single-user server should listen on"
start_timeout = Integer(60,
help="""Timeout (in seconds) before giving up on the spawner.
This is the timeout for start to return, not the timeout for the server to respond.
Callers of spawner.start will assume that startup has failed if it takes longer than this.
start should return when the server process is started and its location is known.
http_timeout = Integer(30,
help="""Timeout (in seconds) before giving up on a spawned HTTP server
Once a server has successfully been spawned, this is the amount of time
we wait before assuming that the server is unable to accept
poll_interval = Integer(30,
help="""Interval (in seconds) on which to poll the spawner."""
_callbacks = List()
_poll_callback = Any()
debug = Bool(False,
help="Enable debug-logging of the single-user server"
options_form = Unicode("", help="""
An HTML form for options a user can specify on launching their server.
The surrounding `<form>` element and the submit button are already provided.
For example:
Set your key:
<input name="key" val="default_key"></input>
Choose a letter:
<select name="letter" multiple="true">
<option value="A">The letter A</option>
<option value="B">The letter B</option>
def options_from_form(self, form_data):
"""Interpret HTTP form data
Form data will always arrive as a dict of lists of strings.
Override this function to understand single-values, numbers, etc.
This should coerce form data into the structure expected by self.user_options,
which must be a dict.
Instances will receive this data on self.user_options, after passing through this function,
prior to `Spawner.start`.
return form_data
user_options = Dict(help="This is where form-specified options ultimately end up.")
env_keep = List([
help="Whitelist of environment variables for the subprocess to inherit"
env = Dict(help="""Deprecated: use Spawner.get_env or Spawner.environment
- extend Spawner.get_env for adding required env in Spawner subclasses
- Spawner.environment for config-specified env
environment = Dict(
help="""Environment variables to load for the Spawner.
Value could be a string or a callable. If it is a callable, it will
be called with one parameter, which will be the instance of the spawner
in use. It should quickly (without doing much blocking operations) return
a string that will be used as the value for the environment variable.
cmd = Command(['jupyterhub-singleuser'],
help="""The command used for starting notebooks."""
args = List(Unicode(),
help="""Extra arguments to be passed to the single-user server"""
notebook_dir = Unicode('',
help="""The notebook directory for the single-user server
`~` will be expanded to the user's home directory
`%U` will be expanded to the user's username
default_url = Unicode('',
help="""The default URL for the single-user server.
Can be used in conjunction with --notebook-dir=/ to enable
full filesystem traversal, while preserving user's homedir as
landing page for notebook
`%U` will be expanded to the user's username
disable_user_config = Bool(False,
help="""Disable per-user configuration of single-user servers.
This prevents any config in users' $HOME directories
from having an effect on their server.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Spawner, self).__init__(**kwargs)
if self.user.state:
def load_state(self, state):
"""load state from the database
This is the extensible part of state
Override in a subclass if there is state to load.
Should call `super`.
See Also
get_state, clear_state
def get_state(self):
"""store the state necessary for load_state
A black box of extra state for custom spawners.
Subclasses should call `super`.
state: dict
a JSONable dict of state
state = {}
return state
def clear_state(self):
"""clear any state that should be cleared when the process stops
State that should be preserved across server instances should not be cleared.
Subclasses should call super, to ensure that state is properly cleared.
self.api_token = ''
def get_env(self):
"""Return the environment dict to use for the Spawner.
This applies things like `env_keep`, anything defined in `Spawner.environment`,
and adds the API token to the env.
Use this to access the env in Spawner.start to allow extension in subclasses.
env = {}
if self.env:
warnings.warn("Spawner.env is deprecated, found %s" % self.env, DeprecationWarning)
for key in self.env_keep:
if key in os.environ:
env[key] = os.environ[key]
# config overrides. If the value is a callable, it will be called with
# one parameter - the current spawner instance - and the return value
# will be assigned to the environment variable. This will be called at
# spawn time.
for key, value in self.environment.items():
if callable(value):
env[key] = value(self)
env[key] = value
env['JPY_API_TOKEN'] = self.api_token
return env
def get_args(self):
"""Return the arguments to be passed after self.cmd"""
args = [
'--user=%s' % self.user.name,
'--port=%i' % self.user.server.port,
'--cookie-name=%s' % self.user.server.cookie_name,
'--base-url=%s' % self.user.server.base_url,
'--hub-host=%s' % self.hub.host,
'--hub-prefix=%s' % self.hub.server.base_url,
'--hub-api-url=%s' % self.hub.api_url,
if self.ip:
args.append('--ip=%s' % self.ip)
if self.notebook_dir:
self.notebook_dir = self.notebook_dir.replace("%U",self.user.name)
args.append('--notebook-dir=%s' % self.notebook_dir)
if self.default_url:
self.default_url = self.default_url.replace("%U",self.user.name)
args.append('--NotebookApp.default_url=%s' % self.default_url)
if self.debug:
if self.disable_user_config:
return args
def start(self):
"""Start the single-user process"""
raise NotImplementedError("Override in subclass. Must be a Tornado gen.coroutine.")
def stop(self, now=False):
"""Stop the single-user process"""
raise NotImplementedError("Override in subclass. Must be a Tornado gen.coroutine.")
def poll(self):
"""Check if the single-user process is running
return None if it is, an exit status (0 if unknown) if it is not.
raise NotImplementedError("Override in subclass. Must be a Tornado gen.coroutine.")
def add_poll_callback(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
"""add a callback to fire when the subprocess stops
as noticed by periodic poll_and_notify()
if args or kwargs:
cb = callback
callback = lambda : cb(*args, **kwargs)
def stop_polling(self):
"""stop the periodic poll"""
if self._poll_callback:
self._poll_callback = None
def start_polling(self):
"""Start polling periodically
callbacks registered via `add_poll_callback` will fire
if/when the process stops.
Explicit termination via the stop method will not trigger the callbacks.
if self.poll_interval <= 0:
self.log.debug("Not polling subprocess")
self.log.debug("Polling subprocess every %is", self.poll_interval)
self._poll_callback = PeriodicCallback(
1e3 * self.poll_interval
def poll_and_notify(self):
"""Used as a callback to periodically poll the process,
and notify any watchers
status = yield self.poll()
if status is None:
# still running, nothing to do here
for callback in self._callbacks:
yield gen.maybe_future(callback())
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Unhandled error in poll callback for %s", self)
return status
death_interval = Float(0.1)
def wait_for_death(self, timeout=10):
"""wait for the process to die, up to timeout seconds"""
for i in range(int(timeout / self.death_interval)):
status = yield self.poll()
if status is not None:
yield gen.sleep(self.death_interval)
File: ~/conda/envs/jupyterhub-tutorial/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jupyterhub/spawner.py
Type: MetaHasTraits
Start is the key method in a Spawner. It’s how we decide how to start the process that will become the single-user server:
In [3]:
Signature: LocalProcessSpawner.start(self)
def start(self):
"""Start the process"""
if self.ip:
self.user.server.ip = self.ip
self.user.server.port = random_port()
cmd = []
env = self.get_env()
self.log.info("Spawning %s", ' '.join(pipes.quote(s) for s in cmd))
self.proc = Popen(cmd, env=env,
start_new_session=True, # don't forward signals
self.pid = self.proc.pid
File: ~/conda/envs/jupyterhub-tutorial/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jupyterhub/spawner.py
Type: function
Here is an example of a spawner that allows specifying extra arguments
to pass to a user’s notebook server, via .options_form
. It results
in a form like this:
In [4]:
from traitlets import default
class DemoFormSpawner(LocalProcessSpawner):
def _options_form(self):
default_env = "YOURNAME=%s\n" % self.user.name
return """
<label for="args">Extra notebook CLI arguments</label>
<input name="args" placeholder="e.g. --debug"></input>
def options_from_form(self, formdata):
"""Turn html formdata (always lists of strings) into the dict we want."""
options = {}
arg_s = formdata.get('args', [''])[0].strip()
if arg_s:
options['argv'] = shlex.split(arg_s)
return options
def get_args(self):
"""Return arguments to pass to the notebook server"""
argv = super().get_args()
if self.user_options.get('argv'):
return argv
def get_env(self):
"""Return environment variable dict"""
env = super().get_env()
return env
Write a custom Spawner that allows users to specify environment variables to load into their server.
In [5]:
from dockerspawner import DockerSpawner
In [6]:
Signature: DockerSpawner.start(self, image=None, extra_create_kwargs=None, extra_start_kwargs=None, extra_host_config=None)
def start(self, image=None, extra_create_kwargs=None,
extra_start_kwargs=None, extra_host_config=None):
"""Start the single-user server in a docker container. You can override
the default parameters passed to `create_container` through the
`extra_create_kwargs` dictionary and passed to `start` through the
`extra_start_kwargs` dictionary. You can also override the
'host_config' parameter passed to `create_container` through the
`extra_host_config` dictionary.
Per-instance `extra_create_kwargs`, `extra_start_kwargs`, and
`extra_host_config` take precedence over their global counterparts.
container = yield self.get_container()
if container is None:
image = image or self.container_image
# build the dictionary of keyword arguments for create_container
create_kwargs = dict(
if extra_create_kwargs:
# build the dictionary of keyword arguments for host_config
host_config = dict(binds=self.volume_binds, links=self.links)
if not self.use_internal_ip:
host_config['port_bindings'] = {8888: (self.container_ip,)}
if extra_host_config:
self.log.debug("Starting host with config: %s", host_config)
host_config = self.client.create_host_config(**host_config)
create_kwargs.setdefault('host_config', {}).update(host_config)
# create the container
resp = yield self.docker('create_container', **create_kwargs)
self.container_id = resp['Id']
"Created container '%s' (id: %s) from image %s",
self.container_name, self.container_id[:7], image)
"Found existing container '%s' (id: %s)",
self.container_name, self.container_id[:7])
# TODO: handle unpause
"Starting container '%s' (id: %s)",
self.container_name, self.container_id[:7])
# build the dictionary of keyword arguments for start
start_kwargs = {}
if extra_start_kwargs:
# start the container
yield self.docker('start', self.container_id, **start_kwargs)
ip, port = yield from self.get_ip_and_port()
self.user.server.ip = ip
self.user.server.port = port
File: ~/conda/envs/jupyterhub-tutorial/lib/python3.5/site-packages/dockerspawner/dockerspawner.py
Type: function
Subclass DockerSpawner so that users can specify via options_form
what docker image to use.
Candidates from the Jupyter docker-stacks repo include:
- jupyter/minimal-singleuser
- jupyter/scipy-singleuser
- jupyter/r-singleuser
- jupyter/datascience-singleuser
- jupyter/pyspark-singleuser
Or, build your own images with
FROM jupyterhub/singleuser
The easiest version will assume that the images are fetched already.